Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Moissanite Earrings, The Modern Brazilian Beetle

The history of earrings is a varied history indeed. And the latest in the long line of female body adornments known as earrings are Moissanite earrings. Moissanite is taking the jewelry world by storm and moissanite earrings are no exception.

Moissanite earrings, well earrings in general anyway, are a fashion with a long history. They are believed to have originated around 3000 BC. Fashioned often in gold, silver or bronze, numerous examples of earrings dating from around 2500 BC to the time of Christ have been unearthed.

Many fascinating examples have been uncovered from the royal graves in Iraq!

Earring styles have varied enormously over the last 3500 years. Earrings were often buried with the dead, as were many other forms of fashionable jewelry of the time. This is fortunate as it allows us to determine exactly what earrings were popular at various times in our history.

Around 1350 BC hoop earrings were popular which fitted inside a larger hole in the ear than would normally be the case. We can only imagine what it would have taken to produce the hole in the ear in the first place! Probably a small hoop earring at first, followed by larger ones as time progressed.

Earrings had styles and motifs which fitted the times. For example in Greek society around the second century BC earrings often displayed motifs of the gods of the time. And precious stones also adorned the ears of the wealthy women of the time to display their riches.

From around the third to the tenth century AD earrings were overtaken by head adornments which often covered the entire side of the face. And then for a few centuries after that long hair styles and high collars covered the ears and earrings lost their appeal.

Earrings took a back seat for quite some time, but re-emerged unscathed around the sixteenth century. At the time women's hairstyles crept up exposing the ears again and by the seventeenth century earrings were back in fashion.

Earrings then were often long and heavy and extended use resulted in women suffering permanently stretched ear lobes. This can be clearly seen in pictures of Queen Victoria, a dedicated earring wearer. Perhaps she had a lot to do with the fashion of the time.

Earring fashions varied with hairstyles. When the hair was worn on the top of the head the ears were prominently displayed and so earrings were essential, however from time to time the hairstyles favoured covering the ears, and earrings went back out of fashion.

All sorts of exotic earring materials were used including in the late 1800s, of all things, Brazilian beetles for their attractive green color.

Back then it was Brazilian beetles, now it's moissanite. Using the newest of the modern earring materials, moissanite earrings are taking the earring world by storm. Why? Simply because moissanite earrings look as good as diamond earrings but without the price tag.

Moissanite earrings feature moissanite stones, a modern alternative to diamonds which offer all the qualities of diamonds but at a fraction of the cost.

Whether it's simple round cut moissanite stones set into white or yellow gold to produce stunning moissanite stud earrings, three stone moissanite earrings in gold or solitaire moissanite earrings with lever back settings, any would complement the ear of the modern woman.

Moissanite earrings, the modern Brazilian beetle!

The History of Body Piercings - Ancient and Fascinating Around the World   

Moissanite Earrings, The Modern Brazilian Beetle

The history of earrings is a varied history indeed. And the latest in the long line of female body adornments known as earrings are Moissanite earrings. Moissanite is taking the jewelry world by storm and moissanite earrings are no exception.

Moissanite earrings, well earrings in general anyway, are a fashion with a long history. They are believed to have originated around 3000 BC. Fashioned often in gold, silver or bronze, numerous examples of earrings dating from around 2500 BC to the time of Christ have been unearthed.

Many fascinating examples have been uncovered from the royal graves in Iraq!

Earring styles have varied enormously over the last 3500 years. Earrings were often buried with the dead, as were many other forms of fashionable jewelry of the time. This is fortunate as it allows us to determine exactly what earrings were popular at various times in our history.

Around 1350 BC hoop earrings were popular which fitted inside a larger hole in the ear than would normally be the case. We can only imagine what it would have taken to produce the hole in the ear in the first place! Probably a small hoop earring at first, followed by larger ones as time progressed.

Earrings had styles and motifs which fitted the times. For example in Greek society around the second century BC earrings often displayed motifs of the gods of the time. And precious stones also adorned the ears of the wealthy women of the time to display their riches.

From around the third to the tenth century AD earrings were overtaken by head adornments which often covered the entire side of the face. And then for a few centuries after that long hair styles and high collars covered the ears and earrings lost their appeal.

Earrings took a back seat for quite some time, but re-emerged unscathed around the sixteenth century. At the time women's hairstyles crept up exposing the ears again and by the seventeenth century earrings were back in fashion.

Earrings then were often long and heavy and extended use resulted in women suffering permanently stretched ear lobes. This can be clearly seen in pictures of Queen Victoria, a dedicated earring wearer. Perhaps she had a lot to do with the fashion of the time.

Earring fashions varied with hairstyles. When the hair was worn on the top of the head the ears were prominently displayed and so earrings were essential, however from time to time the hairstyles favoured covering the ears, and earrings went back out of fashion.

All sorts of exotic earring materials were used including in the late 1800s, of all things, Brazilian beetles for their attractive green color.

Back then it was Brazilian beetles, now it's moissanite. Using the newest of the modern earring materials, moissanite earrings are taking the earring world by storm. Why? Simply because moissanite earrings look as good as diamond earrings but without the price tag.

Moissanite earrings feature moissanite stones, a modern alternative to diamonds which offer all the qualities of diamonds but at a fraction of the cost.

Whether it's simple round cut moissanite stones set into white or yellow gold to produce stunning moissanite stud earrings, three stone moissanite earrings in gold or solitaire moissanite earrings with lever back settings, any would complement the ear of the modern woman.

Moissanite earrings, the modern Brazilian beetle!

The History of Body Piercings - Ancient and Fascinating Around the World   

The History of Body Piercings - Ancient and Fascinating Around the World

Body piercings have seen a resurgence of interest in the last ten to twenty years and are becoming more and more a part of the mainstream Western culture. Take a look at any fashion or entertainment magazine and you'll see plenty of well-known celebrities with body piercings like navel rings or a labret. You might be surprised to find out that piercing is actually an ancient form of expression that most cultures have practiced at some time or other for thousands of years. Egyptian body piercings reflected status and love of beauty The earliest known mummified remains of a human that was pierced is over 5,000 years old. This worthy gentleman had his ears pierced with larger-gauge plugs in his ears, so plugs may be one of the oldest forms of body modification there is! We also know that the Egyptians loved to adorn themselves elaborately, and even restricted certain types of body piercings to the royal family. In fact, only pharaoh himself could have his navel pierced. Any one else who tried to get a belly button ring could be executed. (Tell that to Britney Spears!) Almost every well-to-do Egyptian wore earrings, though, to display their wealth and accent their beauty. Elaborate enameled and gold earrings frequently portrayed items in nature such as lotus blossoms. Body piercings are also mentioned in the Bible. In the Old Testament it's obvious that body jewelry is considered a mark of beauty and wealth, especially for Bedouin and nomadic tribes. In many cases, body jewelry was given as a bridal gift or as part of a dowry. It is clear that piercing was a sign of status and attractiveness in Biblical times. Romans were practical piercers Romans were very practical people, and for them piercing almost always served a purpose. Roman centurions pierced their nipples not because they liked the way it looked, but to signify their strength and virility. It was a badge of honor that demonstrated the centurion's dedication to the Roman Empire. As a symbol, it was important and served a specific function, unifying and bonding the army. Even Julius Caesar pierced his nipples to show his strength and his identification with his men. Genital piercing through the head of the penis was performed on gladiators, who were almost always slaves, for two reasons. A ring through the head of the penis could be used to tie the organ back to the testicles with a length of leather. In gladiatorial combat, this prevented serious injury. With a large enough ring or bar, it also prevented the slave from having sex without the owner's consent. Since the gladiator was "property," a stud fee could be charged to another slave owner for the highly prized opportunity to raise the next generation of great fighter. Making love or war, piercing makes it better Going across the ocean at around the same time, the Aztecs, Maya and some American Indians practiced tongue piercing as part of their religious rituals. It was thought to bring them closer to their gods and was a type of ritual blood-letting. The Aztec and Maya were warrior tribes, and also practiced septum piercing in order to appear fiercer to their enemies. Nothing looks quite as frightening as an opponent sporting a huge boar tusk thrust through his nose!

This practice was also common among tribes in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Some of the materials commonly used were bone, tusks and feathers. Hundreds of years later, French fur trappers in Washington State discovered American Indian tribes who wore bones through their septum and called them the Nez Perce, meaning "Pierced Noses" in French. It's interesting that civilizations separated by thousands of miles and even centuries often developed a love for the same kind of body piercings to enhance certain features, isn't it?

In Central and South America, lip labrets were popular for purely aesthetic reasons - women with pierced lips were considered more attractive. In fact, the holes were often stretched to incredible size as progressively larger wooden plates were inserted to emphasize the lips as much as possible. (Kind of like collagen today). The Aztecs and Maya also sported lip labrets of gold and jade, many of them elaborately carved into mythical or religious figures or sporting gemstones. These were seen as highly attractive and to enhance sexuality. As the world moved into the dark ages, interest in piercing died down somewhat and the medieval church began to condemn it as sinful. For a few hundred years, Western civilization abandoned the practice. As the Renaissance went into full swing, however, interest in piercing began to pick up again. A new era and a new interest in body piercings Sailors became convinced that piercing one ear would improve their long-distance site, and so the site of a sailor with a gold or brass ring became common. Word also spread that should a sailor be washed ashore after a shipwreck, the finder should keep the gold ring in exchange for providing a proper Christian burial. Sailors were both religious and superstitious, so they generally spent a lot for a large gold earring to hedge their bets. Men became much more fashion-conscious during the Renaissance and Elizabethan eras, and almost any male member of the nobility would have at least one earring, if not more. Large pearl drops and enormous diamond studs were a great way to advertise your wealth and standing in the community. It could also designate royal favor if your earring was a gift from a member of the royal family. Women, not wanting to be outshone by the men in all their finery, began to wear plunging necklines, with the Queen of Bavaria introducing the most outrageous, which consisted of not much at all above the waist. In order to adorn themselves, women began piercing their nipples to show off their jewelry. Soon they began wearing chains and even strands of pearls draped between the two.

Men and women both discovered that these nipple piercings were also delightful playthings in bed, adding sensitivity to the breasts and giving the men both visual and tactile stimulation. Men began getting pierced purely for pleasure as well. While not entirely mainstream, piercing of the nipples and, occasionally, the genitals, continued to hold interest for members of the upper crust of society in Europe on and off for the next few hundred years. The next resurgence of interest was, surprisingly, during the Victorian age, which is usually seen as very repressed. Prince Albert, future husband of Queen Victoria, is said to have gotten the penis piercing that is named after him in order wear the tight-fitting trousers so popular at the time. The ring could then be attached to a hook on the inside of one pant leg, tucked safely away between the legs for a neat, trim look. Although we have no record of Victoria's response to the piercing itself, there is ample evidence she was wildly in love with her husband and almost never left his side after their marriage! Soon, Victorian men were getting Prince Albert's, frenums and a variety of other piercings purely for the pleasurable sexual effects, and women were doing the same. By the 1890's, it was almost expected that a woman would have her nipples pierced. In fact, some doctors at the time suggested it improved conditions for breastfeeding, although not all agreed. It was an interesting double standard -- plenty of people were doing it, but no one was talking about it. Modern-day body piercings In the last hundred years or so, body piercings in the Western world have mostly been limited to the ears, a standard hold-over from the fact that both men and women wore earrings during Elizabethan times. The Puritan movement did away with men wearing earrings, however, and it didn't really regain popularity until recently. Nose rings found new interest when young people (they were called hippies then) from the U.S. began traveling in India extensively looking for enlightenment in the 1960's. They noticed the nostril rings that most women had been wearing there since the sixteenth century. In India, this was a form of traditional, accepted adornment and was often linked to an earring by a chain. For rebellious teens from America, it was a great form of rebellion. After bringing nose piercings back to the U.S., the interest in body piercings of all kinds quickly caught on during the 1980's and 1990's. Celebrities, sports stars and singers all began sporting a variety of piercings. Soon, high school students and even stay-at-home moms were flashing new body piercings. And the rest, as they say, is history! This article on the "History of Body Piercings" reprinted with permission. Copyright 2004 Evaluseek Publishing.

The History of Body Piercings - Ancient and Fascinating Around the World   

Vision Insurance Plans - What Should You Keep an Eye Out For

In this day and age where most of our time is spent before a screen - either a computer or a television - our most vital of senses, vision, can easily get damaged. Routine eye examinations, therefore, are absolutely essential for maintaining healthy vision. However, eye care can be prohibitively expensive. Not only eye examinations, but even lenses, frames, etc. can burn a deep hole in your pockets. Therefore, it is essential that you get yourself covered with a vision insurance plan, especially if more than one person in your family regularly uses glasses/lenses.

Vision insurance plans basically supplement whatever form of health insurance you already hold (whether it is PPO or HMO). Such plans cater specifically to eye care that may not be covered by your regular insurance plan. Generally, it covers the entire gamut of eye care services, from regular eye examinations, corrective lenses, and in some plans, even frames for glasses, etc. As with regular insurance, you can avail of these services from doctors, clinics, or opticians affiliated to the organization providing the insurance.

In addition to routine examinations, lenses, prescription medicines such as eye-drops, you can also avail of surgical procedures such as LASIK at a small extra cost in most plans.

It is recommended that you pick a plan that either completely covers, or offers a steep discount on optician services such as corrective lenses, frames, etc. as these tend to be very expensive and can run into thousands of dollars (not to mention their fragile nature which means that you'll end up replacing them sooner or later). Savings with such a plan can easily be 50% or more on glasses and lenses.

With more and more people suffering from poor eyesight, it has become imperative that you take some precautionary measures to protect your eyes, and ease the burden it places on your wallet. Vision insurance plans are a great way of doing so by covering most care options related to the eyes.

Vision Insurance Plans - What Should You Keep an Eye Out For   Vision Insurance Information for Your Family   Tips to Get Great Vision But With Help From Insurance   

Understanding Vision Health Insurance Before You Purchase a Plan

Vision health insurance is very confusing to most people. Understanding what this insurance is all about will help you determine if you need it or not. This insurance is an important part of any health plan and you have to understand it so that you can take advantage of its great benefits.

If you are wearing eye glasses or contact lenses, getting a vision health plan will greatly help you cut down on costs for eye glasses and contact lenses replacements. If you have perfect vision, getting a vision health plan would still help you save money on scheduled eye exams that you would most likely have from time to time. Here are several types of vision insurance that you have to know.

Vision Plans offered by major insurance providers offer great benefits and are accredited by many hospitals and private practitioners. Health care financing are offered by a lot of private practitioners. Flex accounts are usually set up by your employer. Talk to your employer about the healthcare plan that you have in your company and ask if a vision plan is included in your health plan.

If you are still not sure if you need vision health insurance or not, it's good to know the differences of the benefits included in a normal medical health plan and a vision plan.

Not all examinations and procedures are carried by a medical health plan. In some instances, you'd have to pay for your eye exam on your own, as a routine eye examination is not usually covered by most insurance policies. A medical insurance may only cover your eye examinations if you are diagnosed with an eye health problem. Diagnoses like astigmatism and far sightedness may not be covered by your health insurance provider. Also, fees for eyeglasses and contact lenses are not usually included in a medical health insurance policy.

Vision health insurance is an important part of any health insurance policy. If your insurance does not have a vision plan, you might want to get a separate plan. Don't take your eyes for granted. Serious eye conditions usually do not have symptoms until they are already in their late stages. Most people don't find out they have serious eye problems until they go for an eye exam. With a vision health plan, you can have affordable routine eye exams and have the peace of mind that your eyes are healthy.

Vision Insurance Plans - What Should You Keep an Eye Out For   Vision Insurance Information for Your Family   Tips to Get Great Vision But With Help From Insurance   

Small Islands Want More Cruise Ships - But Beware of Invasive Species, Not Just Other Humans

Many Third World villagers living on exotic islands in the middle of the South Pacific or elsewhere soon realize that if they allow tourists to come visit, they can have a huge influx of wealth, goods, and greatly improve their lifestyle. However, with all good things, folks should be careful what they wish for. Those living in an island paradise might just find that all these tourists bring with them more than just money and wealth, or a so-called; higher standard of living. Let's talk about this for second shall we?

If too many tourists come to these little islands, they also end up tracking-in invasive species in their clothes, on their shoes, or often in their suitcases. It is interesting when you look at invasive species that you won't find them on certain islands, and on other islands in the same island chain you find them all over the place. This is because the tourists come to certain islands, and not to others. In fact, if you look at the charts of invasive species and how they've traveled and migrated to other civilizations, societies, and nations you can see that they typically come in as soon as tourism and trade expands to their lands.

First world nations generally have more travelers and tourists, so they tend to track-in invasive species first. Very poor cultures where wealthy tourists would not necessarily have the right accommodations, tend to get very few invasive species, and they also are not trading as much with first world nations, so they don't have the influence of wealth which helps keep them poor. Of course, when wealthy tourists of one nation go to poorer areas, they also bring back with them the diseases of the poor and downtrodden nations. Often they bring back diseases which had been eradicated in their cleaner societies in the first world.

In the case of a small island welcoming tourist dollars, they might also be welcoming invasive species which will ruin their crops, destroy their vegetation, and become a complete nuisance for all that live there. Thus, that old saying; "be careful what you wish for," rings quite true here. Cruise ships that pick up water, that is to say fresh water supplies at some of these locations also bring back with them waterborne diseases, which end up in the cruise ship's water supply.

It cuts both ways, and I suppose in the future we will have space tourism, we need to be careful what we bring back, and what we take to areas where there may be different forms of life, even if it is only on the microbial scale. Please consider all this and think on it.

What Is a Good Business For a Veteran Retired From The US Navy?   

Military Auto Loans With Bad Credit: Trouble Free Car Financing

Getting a car loan when bad credit is part of the equation is not a simple matter that comes promises any kind of guarantee, but for members of the military, they can at least enjoy an advantage over civilian loans. Getting military auto loans with bad credit is far less troublesome for a variety of reasons, but not every loan to military members is guaranteed either.

All applications must satisfy certain criteria if securing loan approval is something that the applicant is to look forward to. Common loan qualifying issues, like age, citizenship and income, apply but it is also necessary to prove that the applicant is a current or former member of the US military.

For genuine applicants, qualifying is not going to be difficult, and the range of benefits that come with auto loans for military personnel, can be fully enjoyed.

Proving Qualification

As already mentioned, satisfying the set criteria is not difficult for genuine applicants. In fact, getting a military auto loan with bad credit comes down to proving they are over 18, are citizens of the US and have a reliable source of income. That is the starting point.

Proving a military background is simple too, with the applicant simply needing to provide confirmation of their rank, their deployment, and their commanding officer. This can be done by simply providing office military ID. For former members, these details can be checked out by the lenders. All in all, securing loan approval is always high.

What is more, with many loans, the credit history of the applicant is often ignored, so auto loans for military personnel are arguably one of the most straightforward loans to secure.

Advantages of Military Finance

There are several advantages to seeking military auto loans with bad credit but the biggest one is clearly the lower interest rate that is charged. Most traditional lenders do not offer such breaks to civilian bad credit borrowers, but there are clear reasons why military lenders do.

The fact that a military member is employed by the US government means their employment status is extremely secure. This means that the source of income is secure and so the ability to make repayments is guaranteed. So, the chances of securing loan approval are almost assured.

And because the degree of risk is so small, the interest rates are kept very low. There are also other advantages, with flexibility over the repayment schedule allowing for shorter and longer terms depending on preferences. It is also possible to make larger loan repayments without having being charged fees, so getting an auto loan, for military personnel certainly, is very affordable.

Locating the Best Deal

As with all loans, finding the best possible loan deal is important. Even with military auto loans with bad credit a bit of searching is necessary. One of the more reliable sources of loans are the certified military lenders that are to be found online.

And as long as the criteria is met, and bank details are provided through which funds can be deposited and repayments directly withdrawn, the likelihood of securing loan approval is extremely good.

The military credit union is also a good loan source, offering the maximum benefits of getting an auto loan for military personnel. Crucially, as well as low interest, the military credit union is used to approving loans, so there is little reason to believe the application would fail.

Military Auto Loans With Bad Credit: Trouble Free Car Financing   

Spanish Food - How To Prepare Boquerones

Whilst on your travels in Spain and pausing to take a breath from site-seeing, you have surely experimented with "tapas" at a welcoming bar.

If this is the case, it is more than likely that you have come across the small, tasty filleted fish, preserved in olive oil, sliced garlic and chopped parsley, and highly popular throughout Spain. This delectable dish is usually known as "boquerones" but, depending on the area, can also be called "anchoas".

Boquerones are small, fresh anchovies. Accompanied by crisp, fresh Spanish bread, a glass of ruby-red wine or refreshing Asturian cider, they are a delight to eat. Moreover - as with many traditional Spanish dishes which comprise the renowned Mediterranean Diet - they are extremely healthy.

Like its friend the sardine, the anchovy is an oily fish, packed full of proteins and minerals, protecting against heart disease, and "good" for cholesterol. What´s more, in many areas of Spain -in particular the Mediterranean coast - fresh anchovies are extremely cheap.

On first coming to Spain, I happily enjoyed many tapas of boquerones, completely unaware of one fact ... all those little anchovies I had eaten were not cooked! For a moment, I deeply regretted asking my Spanish neighbor, Carmen, how to make them!

Fortunately, Carmen went into immediate action and saved the day! She frog-marched me to the local fishmongers, bought a kilo of the little fish, took me home and showed me "her way" of preparing them. They were so delicious that I quickly recovered my passion for boquerones and have been enjoying them ever since!

Methods for preparing boquerones tend to vary slightly from family to family. However, the basic principles are always the same. You first have to clean and fillet the fish, which is simple enough, but rather tedious until you get the hang of it.

Next, you soak the fillets, either in white wine vinegar or a mixture of half vinegar and half water. The vinegar will clean and bleach the fish and also soften any remaining little bones. Some people sprinkle the fish with salt; others (myself included) feel that the fish is salty enough already.

The fish has to be left for a good few hours soaking in the vinegar. Again, this tends to vary, with some Spaniards leaving them overnight in the fridge and others just waiting a couple of hours. Also, some families change the vinegar/water-and-vinegar mixture once during this process, whilst others don´t bother.

Once you have thrown away the vinegar, the bleached fillets are covered with a good quality virgin olive oil, which will preserve them. You can add as much, or as little, sliced garlic as you wish, plus freshly chopped parsley.

So ... here is the actual recipe.


Ingrediants: - 1 kilo fresh anchovies. - White wine vinegar. - Virgin olive oil. - Garlic. - Parsley. - Salt (optional).


1. Top and tail anchovies.

2. Slit along underside and discard innards.

3. Open out fish.

4. Remove central bone by lifting from tail end upwards.

5. Rinse well.

6. Place a layer of anchovy fillets in a shallow dish.

7. Sprinkle with salt (optional) and pour on plenty of vinegar.

8. Repeat with another layer, changing direction.

9. Leave to soak in vinegar for a few hours or overnight.

10. Pour off vinegar.

11. Very gently rinse fillets.

12. Cover fillets in virgin olive oil.

13. Add slices of garlic and chopped parsley.

It is so pleasant to find something in life that is a delight to the senses, affordable, healthy and does nobody any harm (apologies to any vegetarians out there and, also, the little anchovies ...). So ... do make the most of fresh anchovies whilst you are in Spain and enjoy!

Spanish Food - How To Prepare Boquerones

Whilst on your travels in Spain and pausing to take a breath from site-seeing, you have surely experimented with "tapas" at a welcoming bar.

If this is the case, it is more than likely that you have come across the small, tasty filleted fish, preserved in olive oil, sliced garlic and chopped parsley, and highly popular throughout Spain. This delectable dish is usually known as "boquerones" but, depending on the area, can also be called "anchoas".

Boquerones are small, fresh anchovies. Accompanied by crisp, fresh Spanish bread, a glass of ruby-red wine or refreshing Asturian cider, they are a delight to eat. Moreover - as with many traditional Spanish dishes which comprise the renowned Mediterranean Diet - they are extremely healthy.

Like its friend the sardine, the anchovy is an oily fish, packed full of proteins and minerals, protecting against heart disease, and "good" for cholesterol. What´s more, in many areas of Spain -in particular the Mediterranean coast - fresh anchovies are extremely cheap.

On first coming to Spain, I happily enjoyed many tapas of boquerones, completely unaware of one fact ... all those little anchovies I had eaten were not cooked! For a moment, I deeply regretted asking my Spanish neighbor, Carmen, how to make them!

Fortunately, Carmen went into immediate action and saved the day! She frog-marched me to the local fishmongers, bought a kilo of the little fish, took me home and showed me "her way" of preparing them. They were so delicious that I quickly recovered my passion for boquerones and have been enjoying them ever since!

Methods for preparing boquerones tend to vary slightly from family to family. However, the basic principles are always the same. You first have to clean and fillet the fish, which is simple enough, but rather tedious until you get the hang of it.

Next, you soak the fillets, either in white wine vinegar or a mixture of half vinegar and half water. The vinegar will clean and bleach the fish and also soften any remaining little bones. Some people sprinkle the fish with salt; others (myself included) feel that the fish is salty enough already.

The fish has to be left for a good few hours soaking in the vinegar. Again, this tends to vary, with some Spaniards leaving them overnight in the fridge and others just waiting a couple of hours. Also, some families change the vinegar/water-and-vinegar mixture once during this process, whilst others don´t bother.

Once you have thrown away the vinegar, the bleached fillets are covered with a good quality virgin olive oil, which will preserve them. You can add as much, or as little, sliced garlic as you wish, plus freshly chopped parsley.

So ... here is the actual recipe.


Ingrediants: - 1 kilo fresh anchovies. - White wine vinegar. - Virgin olive oil. - Garlic. - Parsley. - Salt (optional).


1. Top and tail anchovies.

2. Slit along underside and discard innards.

3. Open out fish.

4. Remove central bone by lifting from tail end upwards.

5. Rinse well.

6. Place a layer of anchovy fillets in a shallow dish.

7. Sprinkle with salt (optional) and pour on plenty of vinegar.

8. Repeat with another layer, changing direction.

9. Leave to soak in vinegar for a few hours or overnight.

10. Pour off vinegar.

11. Very gently rinse fillets.

12. Cover fillets in virgin olive oil.

13. Add slices of garlic and chopped parsley.

It is so pleasant to find something in life that is a delight to the senses, affordable, healthy and does nobody any harm (apologies to any vegetarians out there and, also, the little anchovies ...). So ... do make the most of fresh anchovies whilst you are in Spain and enjoy!

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